A Living Year - A Nature Study Narrative - Part II

So as you read in Part I, Nature Study is a challenge for me. It's getting easier though and one of the ways that I was able to assistance in my reluctance to embracing the outdoors was to start reading more about them. Now, don't get me wrong, I love the outdoors once I actually over come myself and do it, but this book I am about to show helped bring the inspiration I needed and one might need to walk out the front door. 

The book I am referring to was written by Richard Headstrom called "The Living Year". Richard Headstrom was a contributing editor for the Massachusetts Audubon Society in 1950, and a former nature columnist for the Boston Globe. The Living Year captures in print the world of nature, and written to the reader allowing for the reader to see themselves in the field or hillside along side Mr. Headstrom. He vividly explains the habits and habitats of birds and animals as well as where various plants, flowers, and trees can be found in bloom. He lovingly retells the beauty of form inherent in all the works of nature. So please take a walk with me as I show you an excerpt from the September month of  The Living Year.

"It seems as if it were only yesterday I wandered down the road listening for the sweet melody of a newly-arrived songster or followed the winding trail through the neighboring woods looking for an early spring flower. As I now wander down the same road or follow the same winding woodland trail, there is a hint of autumn in the air and once again,

The sultry summer past, September comes:
Soft twilight of the slow declining year.

Upon the distant hillside red maples show touches of crimson; in the orchard apples are reddening and peaches, wearing the blush of mellow ripeness, hang from slender branches; and along stone walls grapes may be found in purple clusters. In the thicket, the purple berries and gaily painted leaves of the Indian cucumber vie with the curving stems of the false spikenard, heavy with the weight of red speckled berries. Everywhere wild cherries and elderberries, the red, blue, and lead-colored berries of the dogwoods, and the red and purple sprays of the viburnums provide a banquet table for migrating birds that disperse the seeds far and wide."

And reflections from the month of October.

"Even as the cool nights of the declining summer herald the approach of autumn, the red maples unfurl their scarlet flags to advertise the great annual show which nature stages before ringing down the final curtain on the dying year. Almost before we realize it, the golden days of October are with us once again and beckon us to roam about the countryside amidst the splendor of the autumn landscape." "October is a delightful month to wader about the countryside. The days have not the chill of spring nor the heat of summer and, though the sun may be bright, the air is cool and invigorating and fragrant with the undefinable smell of autumn. Everywhere the rich coloring of the foliage meets the eye; the birds in merry flocks dart through the sky; you find the pumpkin on the vine; and you thrill at the joy of living. You linger longer outdoors than you are wont to do, for perhaps tomorrow purple shadows will lie softly upon snowy fields, howling winds will sign thought leafless boughs, and another year will have passed, leaving only memories to cherish amidst less inspiring surroundings."

Ah, yes, the joy of living. Isn't it just wonderful. Thank you,  Heavenly Father, for this, and thank you all for walking with me. God love you. Till next time. 
