Good Bye Summer, Hello A New Year of Joyful Learning

Welcome to a New study year! How exciting to be on the 
heals of the 7th year of studying the work of Nineteenth 
Century British Educator, Charlotte Mason. 
It's just too cool! 

So let me tell you a little of who we are at the Guild. 
On the 2nd Thursday of each month our moms come 
together at Belmar Panera Bread at 6:30 pm to read and 
narrate the writings of Charlotte Mason or books related
to her methods and philosophies. During our time 
together we learn, share, and discuss how to implement 
Miss Mason's hopes for educating children not for now, 
but for a life time. 

“The question is not, -- how much does the 

youth know? when he has finished his education- but how much does he care? and about 

how many orders of things does he care? In fact, how large is the room in which he finds 

his feet set? and, therefore, how full is the life he has before him?”

                                               ― Charlotte M. MasonSchool Education: Developing A Curriculum

We welcome anyone and everyone at any time to join in any time. (we even welcome those far away to join us as 
we have a virtual classroom that comes with us to Panera during the meetings, pretty neat!) 

This year we have a number of books we will be working through as this year we are going to pick up the pace a bit. 
The books are related to Charlotte Mason's philosophies and will greatly enhance your homeschool and dare I say, 
your life!

Here are the books:
September 13th and October 11th: Minds More Awake by Anne E. White
Sept. - Chapter 1-5
October - Chapter 6-10

November 8th and December 13th- When Children Love to Learn  by Elaine Cooper 
Nov. - Parts 1-3 
Dec.- Parts 4-6 

January 10th and February 14th and March 14th- The Living Page by Laurie Bestvater
Jan- Chapters 1 and 2
Feb. - Chapters 3-4
March- Chapter 5 and Appendix Resources

April 11th and May 9th - Awakening Wonder by Steve Turley
April - Chapters 1-3
May - Chapters 4-7

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or thoughts about different books if there is something 
you are really interested in reading. 


***Special Announcement: We are working on bringing back the  Charlotte Mason Junior Nature Guild
Details coming soon! 

God Bless You!
