Summer Fun at the Guild

Hello Everyone!
Please mark your calendars for our summer learning and play time with the Charlotte Mason Study Guild of Denver. We will begin meeting for our summer park learn and play days beginning on Thursday , June 7 th at 9:00 am and plan to meet every Thursday during the summer at 9 am till August 9 th. 

Let's plan to meet Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church at 1985 Miller St. Lakewood. Bring your lawn chairs, blankets, sunscreen, and snacks AND YOUR LITTLES. (the park has places to play for all ages and a parking lot for those who would like to bring balls, scooters, and/or bikes. There is also 8:15 am daily mass that you can attend before the meetings.)

This summer's theme for our meetings will be focusing on the questions and concerns and success of homeschooling and bite sized helps to a successful coming school year. Our first two meetings going over a homeschooling audit. (here is the link to get your copy. (we did this last summer and we all found it really helpful)

Please note these park meetings are in addition to our moms guild meetings on the second Thursday of the month. Here is the schedule for that:

Thursday, June 14th: Real Learning Chapter 9, 10, 11: Creativity, Special Blessing, Sports p. 145-154 and Chapter 12: Practical Side of Atmosphere p. 187-194, Chapter 13: Battling Back from Burnout, Chapter 14: A Final Thought
Thursday, July 12th: Real Learning Recap 
Thursday, August 9th : Real Learning Recap

New Book Study Begins in September: Teaching from Rest, The Read Aloud Family or The Outdoor Life of Children or possibly Awakening Wonder. We’ll look at all four, put it to a vote, and decide during the summer which one to pursue for the Fall/Winter 2018-19 season.

Ah, and please don't forget we are a group that not only studies and learns the methods of Charlotte Mason, but we also discuss the joys and challenges of homeschooling for all ages levels. 

So if you are interested in a fun morning play time for your littles and a little mom time with your homeschooling sisters, please consider joining us. It's a great time for all. God Bless You!
