Home is Where the Haven Is
John Constable (1776–1837), An Autumnal Landscape at East Bergholt (1805)
So often we forget that home is to be a haven from the outside world being so full of stress and pressures and worries and fears. Our home is to be a place to retreat to and find our rest, an island of calm from the tense world. But as we homeschool, this often is not the case. Home becomes an extension of the world instead of a retreat. Be watchful for this and if this is your state; repent, get back on course, ask forgiveness by your Heavenly Father and your family and begin again.
Remember the beat of our heart goes as this, A-gain, A-gain, A-gain, A-gain. Repent, a-gain, begin, a-gain...This is the human condition. We will never perfect our behaviors, but are more to continue toward having the occurrences happen with less frequency. (Don't worry you'll get it right about 10 minutes after you die. 😊)
So make your home a retreat, a haven, an island and when we don't, begin A-gain!
"Expectation is the root of all heartache."
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